Mellowed tune and aging rhapsody: Bytes instill the phenomenological discourse of education in distinctive snippets.
The ambiguous aspects pertaining to the inscrutability in terms of jargons often stands as major impediments. Bytes are mainly instrumental in ameliorating the learning module, and is instrumental in teaching new concepts; thereby, enhancing the existing skills as well as knowledge. Furthermore, resolving the problem solving aspects and induces to become more creative and mandate the characteristic of learning retention.
Education and its analysis
Mr. Chandrasekharan Praveen who has been a blogger with almost seven lakh readers and a Principal himself at the Institute of Advanced Study in Education in Thrissur pens down a captivating book. He calls this a memoir and compiles his major life works’ in this book that furthermore lingers in the mind of the readers due to the profound sensibilities.
The research papers stands as a gamut of knowledge infested oracles that open up the mind of the readers. Never before has anybody talked about the semiotics and the aspects of mimicking the teachers that Mr. Praveen does brilliantly. Tactfully the book discusses the linguistics and the multifaceted aspects related to it. Not only this, but also he goes on to ask one of the most alarming question on today’s date that “Why should children go to schools?” And, goes on to state the reason for the same.
Dr. Praveen’s lucid language explaining Education
It is with an invigorated flair and adroitness Dr. Chandrasekharan Praveen goes on to share the anecdotes that he had been conceived over the years. These Bytes consequently has the power to shatter the prejudice and dogma and give rise to a liberal rational outlook. The language that has been put to usage is absolutely lucid and easy to follow.
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About Author: Dr. Chandrasekharan Praveen, who hails from the lush green State of Kerala, India, was formerly the Principal of the Institute of Advanced Study in Education, Thrissur. His expertise was often sought by universities in Kerala and the NCERT. A popular Blogger with seven lakh readers and counting and the website, New Curator Pedagogue on antique books and content on Education, marks him out as a teacher educator with an original and creative mind.
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