
Twitter is trending with #ProZakirLeague

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The accuses against Zakir Naik are increasing. Feeling the heat, Islamic preacher Zakir Naik has started contacting all of his political allies in India. And Twitter is getting stormed by the hash-tag #ProZakirLeague.

Following are some of the interesting Tweets about Zakir.

“Every Indian is furious with or Pro Afzal League & Entire media is stunningly quiet on them Only Arnab voicing Common man” – 

“If Zakir was anti other religions it would have been acceptable to some but he is anti national & that makes him hatable” – 

“Govt should silently bury these terrorists in Sea just as USA did with Osama Bin Laden” – 

“As PM said We should worry for terrorist using SmartPhone, rather then terrorists hiding in cave. r terrorist wid Smartphone” – 

“These are false acquisitions pl proove your case. Zakir Naik videos has inspired me to be good citizen of INDIA” – 

“State Intelligence Dept. gives clean chit to Naik and arnab still busy in barking” –