Inclusion of migrants: Raises dire situations, since, the equilibrium of states end up getting disrupted
Over the years, there has been a rapid flow pertaining to the flow of the Hindu migrants from across Bangladesh to Barak Valley in Assam. Due to the propagation of National Register of Citizens these Sylheti Hindus have been deemed illegal migrants. The religious persecution pertaining to the 50s had led numerous refugees to migrate to Assam.
The inhumane treatment meted out has been rising relentlessly at an ensuing rate. However, some part of history often goes unnoticed. This book goes on to recount the historical narrative and raises some important questions that have been blurred in the face of oppressive power play.
Hindu Bengalis of Barak Valley
The author Bishway Chamak Goswami has been a journalist for a significant amount of time. Having worked at reputed media houses in North East he has acquired significant knowledge pertaining to the history of his motherland.
The author goes on to talk about the undivided Cachar and goes on to draw the Dimasa connection in Cachar. About how during the 1850s the valley was annexed in relation to the British dominion and what aspects pertaining to the subjugation were meted out.
Rituals and Significance
It is the panache of Mr. Goswami has he explores the inscrutably dubious aspects that have laid ashtray in an unquestionable place. The residue needs to be flared in order to know the truth and bring out the actual historical account in the face of lies.
Thereafter, he goes on to draw the religious aspects that have persisted since very long like poush shankranti, charak festival, so on and so forth. And what actually was the politics behind it. Exploration of truth in the face of lies and deceit makes this book a must read for everyone.
The book is available on multiple platforms:
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About Author: Bishway Chamak Goswami is a proficient writer of his genre. He writes in English. His mother tongue is Sylheti-Bengali. He was a journalist with enough experiences working in several media houses of India’s North East.
Currently he owns two monasteries in the North East, in separate locations as a part of his family business, left on him by his ancestors to a legacy and multitude of disciples and votaries in the country and abroad, to his judicious management and wise discretion, which he performs meticulously without changing his course on intellectual pursuit, which he once opted as a young man, dynamically thrusting into a challenging career as a freelance journalist and socio-political analyst from South Assam, India.
Currently under family obligation and keeping consistence with his socio-religious involvement he has withdrawn himself from mainstream journalism, but lent precise treatment to his creative part as he writes for a cause, addressing the needs of humanity; exuberant with facts, banishing prejudice totally.
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