Understanding the framework: The structural framework can be strengthened only by a strong foundation
Research Methodology provides an insight into the basic as well as the advanced level discussion relating to research methodology. This will consequently help the researchers to become familiar with the art pertaining to the usage of research methods and techniques.
What is the book about?
Cases and concepts are functional in providing a comprehensive, updated, comprehensive, and stepwise understanding relating to the research processes concerning a balanced blend of theory. Furthermore, the illustrations, as well as techniques from a wide cross-section of businesses that the author has witnessed, have been embedded.
Therefore, this book makes no presumptions and can be as a resultant effect can be used with conviction and confidence by both the students as well as experienced managers. It is the conceptual base that has been provided in a manner that is comprehensive and yet simplistic. Therefore, the aspects that this book addresses even the minutest of explanations can be scrutinized well enough by the reader.
Application in Mendeley and Zotero Computer Software
Each and every chapter has been profusely illustrated with the business problems thereby relating it to all domains—finance, marketing, operations, and human resource. This book is instrumental in offering a standardized approach pertaining to the research aspirants thereby working in the various areas. At the same time, this book appears like a very good frame of study relating to students as well as researchers in diverse fields.
Furthermore, this book charts evolving and new terrain of research by covering the qualitative, quantitative as well as mixed approach. The chapters have been weaved with an extensive number of case studies that are functional in helping the researchers to understand the practical implications pertaining to the research and thereby are inclusive of diagrammatic representations. This is done so that various theories and procedures can be easily understood. Each phase relating to the research is explained has been explained in detail so that the beginners can efficiently utilize this book as well.
Book available on multiple platforms:
24by7Publishing Online Shop (Golpapa): https://golpapa.com/product/research-methodology-by-gabriel-waweru-samuel-o-onyuma-joan-w-murumba-research-paper/
Flipkart: https://www.flipkart.com/research-methodology/p/itm6457f79c01923
Amazon.in: https://www.amazon.in/Research-Methodology-Gabriel-Waweru/dp/9390979382
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