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Interview with Author Buddhadeb Basu

Share your love recently published Love, Lust and Corporate Game penned by Buddhadeb Basu and Soumi Bhattacharya. The book deals with the intricate complexities and conspiracies of the corporate sector, and had the opportunity to interview Mr. Basu. Here is what he had to say.

  • Tell us something about yourself.

I have been writing stories, articles, fictions for the past 40 years with a pause, in between, to commensurate to the passionate appeal for this line.

Needless to say, I plunged into this activity again in the year 2008 with a hope to produce a world class literary output even when I am in the slough of fag end of the life.

Almost all the human beings will have an inherent aptitude to develop/produce some creative output. Swayed with these thoughts, I develop a knack in my adolescence to write some short stories, precisely when I was in the 6th standard.

After that period, I used to write many articles and fictions and almost all of those outputs were in incubations till the time I opted for a course in M.A. (English) in the year of 2008. Then I started studying various English literatures, namely volumes of Shakespeare, European literatures, and Indian literatures, and being enthused with the creative output enumerated in the long story of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, I contemplated to scribble my thoughts.

The masterpiece creation of John Bunyan evolutionised my mind and accordingly my debut novel under the name of Journey to the Celestial City, came into the limelight. After that I wrote 3 more books: 16 Teachings for Spiritual Happiness and May all Beings Benefit with the recent literary output of Love, Lust and Corporate Game.

  • Who inspires you for writing?

My father who was a writer and used to write articles for Reader’s Digest in the 30s that influenced me to write as an amateur.

  • What are the challenges you have faced during writing this book?

I have faced many challenges particularly in the overseas market as domestic market was not targeted by me as a niche. Some of the challenges are inscribed below:

  • To compete with qualified writers of English as native language against my status of Indian English Authors.
  • IEA is not given that much prominence in the overseas market unless they are of celebrity status.
  • In the literary output, people are very sceptical with respect to specifics like syntax, semantics and morphology. And, I experienced this phenomenon mainly in the UK market.
  • Does writing energize you or exhaust you?

Neither I get exhausted nor I get energized because I write as I get instructions from my divine power, and I never get exhausted at all.

  • Do you plan to work on any new books in the near future? Would you consider shifting from the present genre?

My next books is with Mr. Delson Armstrong, who is a very famous figure in the US market for his literary output, and along with him, I will be writing my non-fictional novel Journey to the Heaven.

  • Is writing your passion or hobby?

It is my passion.

  • There are many people who would want to become a published author. What advice would you like to give them?

I don’t like to give any advice as I still consider myself a novice in the field of writing. When God will bless me and I will be able to become an expert author, I will definitely convey my advice then.

  • What has been your schedule like in the months leading up to getting the manuscript ready for publishing? Did you follow any specific routine to write your book?

I do not follow any specific routine to complete my manuscripts. Generally, I start with the name of God and I end with His name to finish any literary output. So, sometimes it takes months together, if not years.

  • What is your idea of literary success?

I will never be able to emphasize very specifically on this point as I am still a struggler in this profession of book writing.

  • How has 24by7 Publishing assisted you through the publishing process?

24by7 Publishing has helped me a lot.

Book available on multiple platforms:

24by7 Publishing Online Store:…/love-lust-and-corporate…/



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