Interview with Author Dr. Monika Rastogi
Meet Dr. Monika Rastogi. She is the author of Technical Communication published by 24by7 Publishing. She has penned this book while keeping in mind the need for proper technical communication ability in the present world. knocked on her door to have a little friendly conversation. It was surely informative to say the least.
- Who has been your biggest inspiration as a writer?
My biggest inspiration has been my mother. She is the one who has always been motivating me to reach for the stars. She is the one who makes me believe in myself.
- Does writing energize you or exhaust you?
Undoubtedly, it energizes me. It gives one a tremendous amount of gratification to create something.
Moreover, it is very much so when you realise that your creation is going to come out of great utility to a large mass of people and it is a highly beneficial creation that would help in bringing about a great change in the system.
- When was the first time you took up the pen to write a book?
As I look back, it was about two years back when I realized the requirement of a compact book for the students of technical communication.
The books that are available for our students are quite bulky from which every student is not able to benefit. Only a section of bright students is able to study from those books. Rest of them remain ignorant of the essentials of Technical Communication. This becomes detrimental to their success not only in the examinations but in their future work lives as well.
My book caters to every student. It would help them not only to do well in the examinations but also to learn the essentials of Technical Writing which is very important for today’s professionals.
- What do you think about the current scenario of budding writers taking the book market by storm?
I support them all vehemently as I feel there’s nothing like creating a piece of work. Good to see the bookstores richly embellished with books from Indian authors.
- Who is your favourite author?
I like to read Stephen Covey.
His books have brought about a huge amount of transformation in me personally as well as professionally. He has the power to change the people’s mindset.
- Is writing your passion or hobby?
It’s a passion for me. I have a whole range of ideas for my future books as well. It’s going to be a complete series of books in English for professional courses, each one a complete guide to success in spoken and written skills. The most important feature being, the books would be concise with quality content.
- What is your idea of literary success?
According to me, literary success is directly related to its ability to bring about a revolutionary change in the society. Any writing that comes out should have a utilitarian value.
- Have you ever faced writer’s block? If so, how did you cope with it?
Fortunately, I never had to go through this.
The whole process right from the inception to publishing has been quite smooth.
- If you have to give up one thing you love the most to become a better writer, what would that be?
Well, a difficult question. It goes without saying that a writer has to forsake a lot to be a writer. It takes a lot of insight, a lot of time to create a good book. Of course, you have to give up a lot of good things of life to concentrate on your work.
- Do you think you will ever take up writing full-time?
No plans for that. I am very happy with my job as Associate Professor, English.
Writing would continue alongside.
- What are your most favourite and least liked steps in the publishing process?
The whole process of publishing is highly enthralling as it is the time when you see your writing taking form in black and white.
It’s like a dream coming true.
But yes, selecting the cover design has been the favourite moment for me throughout the process.
- Do you have any message for your readers?
After an experience of 10 years dealing with the students of Professional Communication, this book has been created. Throughout my career as an English faculty, I had been realising the requirement for a concise book that would help them do better in their examinations as well as in picking the essentials of Technical Writing.
The book has been created very thoughtfully and I am sure it can bring about a great improvement in the performance of our students in the examinations as well as in their work lives.
Her books are available on some of the major online stores:
24by7 Publishing Online Store:
Amazon Kindle:
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