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Interview with Author Pradeep Khare

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Pradeep Khare has recently published his book of poems ‘Kiran Kavyanjali’ from In this interview, the author opens up about the struggles he had to face in his life and how the obstacles motivated him to give birth to something beautiful. We have the poet and artist pouring his heart out to in the following lines.

  • Who has been your biggest inspiration as a writer?

I draw my inspiration from various facets of life and the emotions which fill us in day-to-today happenings. As a keen observer of social and political changes, I do get inspired by the societal trends and all this reflects in the collection of poems which have been published.

  • Does writing energize you or exhaust you?

Writing has been an energising and therapeutic experience for me. It has helped me overcome loneliness and has kept me positively engaged and motivated.

  • When was the first time you took up the pen to write a book?

The journey started with few poems in early 2017 and flourished in 2019 leading to Kiran Kavyanjali.

  • What do you think prompted you to write this book?

My wife Kiran left for her heavenly abode in late 2016, fighting cancer. It was a very tumultuous moment and an enormous personal loss. I started venting my emotions through poetry and paintings to keep out of depression and remain engaged. With constant support from my family and appreciation from well-wishers, this start culminated in a full fledged collection of poems covering various emotions and facets of life.

  • Who is your favourite author?

Harivansh Rai Bachchan

  • Is writing your passion or hobby?

It is in fact a Hobby turned into passion

  • What is your idea of literary success?

Something which people can relate to and which stays with them subconsciously. To me, it is about expressing complex emotions in a lucid manner which takes them through a whirlwind of emotions, down the memory lane.

  • Have you ever faced writer’s block? If so, how did you cope with it?

I have gone with the flow of emotions and do not force myself to write for the sake of it. Poetry is best when it emanates effortlessly while going though a specific emotional state.

  • Do you plan to work on any new books in the near future? Would you consider shifting from the present genre?

Definitely looking forward to more literary works in the future. It may be a different Genre altogether. Let’s see!

  • Do you think you will ever take up writing full-time?

Again I shall go with the flow. It happened in an unplanned manner to me and right now I am enjoying it. So long as I enjoy, I shall keep writing.

  • What are your most favourite and least liked steps in the publishing process?

Most favourite is cover designing and least is multiple proof readings.

  • How has 24by7 Publishing assisted you through the publishing process?

24by7 Publishing truly lives to its name by being very professional and time-bound in their execution. For a first-time author like me, this quality- and time-conscious approach right from script submission is a source of great comfort. They came up with insightful suggestions at each stage of publication, whether it is choosing the right publication package or manuscript soft copy creation or cover designing, or book launch and marketing. They have always made the whole process really smooth and enjoyable. Truly a one-stop shop for self-publication.

Book available on multiple platforms:

24by7 Publishing Online Store:…/kiran-kavyanjali-by-pra…/


Amazon Kindle:


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