Interview with Author TP Panta had a chance to meet TP Panta. A recently published author from He brings to the forefront an entire gamut of thought-provoking ideas on society, politics, and culture. Go through the interview to find out more about his concepts!
- Tell us something about yourself.
If I had known what I am, I would not have initiated the self-motivated research to know what the existences of life, society, universe and God are. My parents, siblings, relatives and friends told me you are TP PANTA, but I was not satisfied with the identity given by them. Physically, I was born in Nepal, my self-motivated research was born in Germany and I have been completing my research in India though I am still not able to encode and draft the messages revealed in my mind properly.
- What do you think prompted you to write this book?
While searching for what I am, what I have found is, all the individuals, couples, families, villages, towns, cities, districts, states, nations and continents of the global society have always been connected psychologically. By which laws are all the societies, from the smallest to the largest, constantly being created, secured, defended and destroyed? When the quadrilateral laws revealed in my mind, it forced me to write this book though I am still not able to encode and draft the revelation into words properly.
- How long did it take you to write this book?
The self-motivated research started 27 years ago and I have about 7000 A4 size pages recorded files, but I filtered this book in 3 months or it took 3 months to write this book.
- Is this the first time you have been published?
This is my second book. My first book is “Resurrection of the Ancient Indian Cosmology.”
- How has been the experience of becoming a published writer so far?
I am still very busy in my writing project. I have just completed my third book which is being printed now and in 10–15 days I will get it. I have started my fourth book. So, after the fourth book, I will meet people and I will give speech about my books. Then I will experience the feeling of a published writer.
- There are many people like you who would want to become a published author. What advice would you like to give them?
The unpublished author; who wishes to be a published author, must be ready to flow constantly like the river which flows from the Himalayas up to the Ocean. The quantity and quality of the flowing path designs the success of an author. Writing a book is the accumulation of dynamic thoughts for a static thought.
- What has been your schedule like in the months leading up to getting the manuscript ready for publishing? Did you follow any specific routine to write your book?
When people living around me sleep, then I start to write my book and when they wake up, then I sleep. Normally, I meditate to create an image to write and whenever the image is ready, I attempt to convert the image into words. This is the way of my writing.
- Do you plan to work on any new books in the near future? Would you consider shifting from the present genre?
I have just finished my third book named “Poverty, Social Crimes and Terrorism are the Generations of the Gender Unbalanced Social System”, which is being printed now.
As I have found, the existence of the Self ‘I’ is connected with the Physical World, Society, the Universe and the God, I am writing in the following five different subjects:
The Creation, Preservation and Destruction of Life;
The Creation, Preservation and Destruction of Society;
The Creation, Preservation and Destruction of Universe;
The Presence or Absence of God; and
The Duty of Knowledge.
I have just started my fourth book named “I-DNA Intelligence”. It is about the reasons of Individual and social mental disorders, how to solve the psychological problems, counselling systems and meditation.
His books are available on some of the major online stores:
24by7 Publishing Online Store:…/balancocracy-by-tp-pant…/
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